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Regenerative Living Certification
Introduction to Regenerative Living Certification (2:53)
1: Inspiring Change: Prioritizing Your Goals and Dreams
Life Redesign Masterclass: Unlocking Your Potential for Personal Transformation
Thrival Mode (4:44)
Regenerative Self Evaluation
Meditation (15:09)
II : Zero Waste, Circular Economy, and Dragon Dreaming: Regenerating Our Relationship with the Earth
What is Regeneration? (4:19)
7 Rs of Regeneration
Permaculture (6:00)
Regenerative Agriculture (2:45)
Zero Waste & Circular Economy (5:26)
Dragon Dreaming
III : Financial Sovereignty: How to Produce Healthy Food and Achieve Self-Reliance for Financial Freedom
Story Telling - what is freedom?
Financial Freedom 101 (5:06)
Diversity (5:03)
What is Agro-forestry? (7:08)
Conscious Consumption (3:49)
Abundance Meditation Exercise
IV: Purifying the Body, Mind, and Earth: Sustainable Energy Solutions for a Greener Future
Tools Purify
Body Temple (3:06)
Go Organic (2:49)
Create a New Habit
V : Growing a Regenerative Present: Building Resiliency through Seeds of Love
F.L.Y. First Love Yourself (3:40)
Seeds as Foundation of Life & Masterclass (18:40)
Plant Propogation (8:06)
Love Meditation (6:04)
VI: The Healing Power of Plants: Exploring Herbalism for Holistic Wellness
Plant Queendom (3:29)
Herbalism (9:53)
Tincture Making
Cacao (5:23)
Hallucinogenic Plant Medicines
VII: The Circle of Life: Understanding the Relationship Between Soil Building, Fermentation, and Bacteria
Cycles of Life (4:23)
Mycelium (5:07)
Soil Building & Masterclass (19:43)
Death and Composting
Fermentation (7:20)
What is Regeneration?
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